Talks, seminars, and posters
- P. Carbonell. Exploring Opportunities for Synthetic Biology-Informed AI. AI for Biology Workshop, National Center for Biotechnology (CNB), Madrid, Spain, 2025.
- I. Otero-Muras, P. Carbonell. Towards a one-stop shop for connecting Cellular and Molecular Research databases, datasets and tools in biotechnology. ELIXIR Industry Advisory Committee Meeting, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK, 2025.
- H. Martín, C. Fernández, R. Marín, I. Otero-Muras, P. Carbonell. Designing optimal topologies for dynamic regulation of metabolic pathways. Biocontrol Workshop 2024, online, 2024.
- P. Carbonell. Enhancing biomanufacturing with AI and automation. Building Self-driving Labs in Biology, IATA, Valencia, Spain, 2024.
- A. Balola, S. Ferreira, D. Lousa, C. Souza, P. Carbonell, C. M. Soares, I. Rocha. Towards enhanced polyethylene terephthalate biodegradation: PETase engineering and terephthalic acid biosensor implementation in Escherichia coli. 7th Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe, Brno, Czech Republic, 2024.
- H. Martín, R. Marín, P. Carbonell. Mapping the detectable metabolic space of bio-based production using the DetSpace server. SEBiBC, Valencia, Spain, 2024.
- P. Carbonell, I. Otero-Muras. Biofoundries and the IBISBA European infrastructure: harnessing the challenges of efficient biomanufacturing. Blue Innovation Day. BioHub, Valencia, Spain, 2024.
- P. Carbonell. Towards Automating Metabolic Pathway Tools in the Design-Build-Test-Learn Cycle. 5th Summer School in Metabolic Modeling (S2M2), U. Minho (online), Braga, Portugal, 2024.
- P. Carbonell. Towards automating dynamic metabolic pathway design for enhanced biomanufacturing. Model-Guided Strain Engineering Mini-Symposium, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands, 2024.
- H. Martín, P. Carbonell. Expanding the design space of bio-based processes for smart biomanufacturing. CEA Symposium in Control Engineering, Modeling, Simulation and Optimization. Vigo, Spain, 2024.
- I. Otero-Muras, P. Carbonell. The València Biofoundry Initiative and the European Infrastructure in Industrial Biotechnology IBISBA: boosting the development of cellular factories in the context of the EU Initiative in Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing. III Foro Colabora Biotecnología y Bioeconomía, Valencia, Spain, 2024.
- H. Martín, J. Tellechea-Luzardo, F. Christian, R. Marín, D. Henriques, I. Otero-Muras, P. Carbonell. Automated design of transcription factor-based biosensor dynamics through biology-guided machine learning. The Automated Scientist. Favrholm Novo Nordisk Campus, Hillerød, Denmark, 2024.
- Hérisson, J., Duigou, T., Carbonell, P., du Lac, M., Swainston, Zulkower, V., Baldwin, G. S., Forum, S., Sabeti Azad, M., el Moubayed, Y., Kushwaha, M., Bazi-Kabbaj, K., Gricourt, G., Faure, L., Mahdy, M., Soudier, P., Faulon, J.L. The Galaxy SynBioCAD portal: tools suite and workflows for synthetic biology and metabolic engineering. The Automated Scientist. Favrholm Novo Nordisk Campus, Hillerød, Denmark, 2024.
- P. Carbonell. Incorporating biosensor and biodetection into the Design-Build-Test-Learn biomanufacturing pipeline. BioZone Centre for Applied Bioscience and Bioengineering, University of Toronto, Canada, 2024.
- P. Carbonell, I. Otero-Muras. València Biofoundry: Cellular factories for a circular economy based on bioproduction. CV+i Circular Day. Valencia, Spain, 2023.
- H. Martín, L. Martínez-España, R. Marín, J. Tellechea-Luzardo, I. Otero-Muras, P. Carbonell. SmartBioFab: Smart biomanufacturing processes through dynamic regulation, optimization, and machine learning. Synthetic Biology Gordon Research Conference. Sunday River, ME, USA, 2023.
- J.E. Escrig Molina, L. Martinez-España, H. Martín Lázaro, J. Tellechea Luzardo, P. Carbonell, I. Otero-Muras. Overcoming challenges in synthetic biology and biomanufacturing through advanced circuit engineering: leveraging functional complexity, uncertainty and molecular noise. Synthetic Biology Gordon Research Conference. Sunday River, ME, USA, 2023.
- G. Climent-Gargallo, F. Martínez-Gil, V. Laparra Pérez-Muelas, P. Carbonell. Assessing the metabolic potential of Martian environmental analogs for space exploration: the Río Tinto case. PerMedCoE Summer School: from pathway modelling tools to cell-level simulations, Seva, Spain, 2023.
- P. Carbonell. Recent advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence for metabolic engineering. Industrial Biomanufacturing Day, MojiaBio, Singapore, 2023.
- H. Martín, J. Tellechea-Luzardo, C. Fernández, R. Marín, L. Martínez-España, I. Otero-Muras, P. Carbonell. Multi-Loop Synthetic Pathway Dynamic Regulation: Harnessing the Challenges of Bio-Based Processes Control at Multiple Scales. Metabolic Engineering 15, Singapore, 2023.
- I. Otero-Muras, H. Martin, J. Tellechea-Luzardo, H. Faquir, J.E. Escrig, P. Carbonell. An Integrated Approach Towards Acceleration and Full Automation of the DBTL Pipeline for Efficient Biomanufacturing. Metabolic Engineering 15, Singapore, 2023.
- R.A. Stoney, E. Hanko, J. Chua, A. Yiakoumetti, P. Carbonell, R. Breitling. Updating Selenzyme: Machine learning improves enzyme suggestions for novel unbalanced reactions. Metabolic Engineering 15, Singapore, 2023.
- J. Chua, E.K.R. Hanko, A. Yiakoumetti, R.A. Stoney, J. Chromy, K. Valdehuesa, P. Carbonell, R. Breitling. Expanding the universe of molecules derived from the shikimate pathway. Highlights of the ShikiFactory100 at the University of Manchester. Metabolic Engineering 15, Singapore, 2023.
- D.Y Lee, P. Carbonell. Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Metabolic Engineering. Metabolic Engineering 15, Singapore, 2023.
- P. Carbonell. The extended metabolic space: from evolution to design. LSC-Retreat 4.0. Canfranc (Spain), 2023.
J. Tellechea-Luzardo, P. Carbonell. Sensbio: a biosensor design toolbox for metabolic pathway screening and dynamic regulation. X Bioinformatics and Genomics Symposium (BGS), València (Spain), 2022.
C. Fernández, H. Faquir, M. Pájaro, P. Carbonell, I. Otero-Muras. Controlling the behaviour of gene circuits for applications in synthetic biology: stabilization of a stochastic gene switch. X Bioinformatics and Genomics Symposium (BGS), València (Spain), 2022.
- T. Duigou, J. Hérisson, M. Du Lac, K. Bazi-Kabbaj, M. S. Azad, G. Buldum, O. Telle, Y. El-Moubayed, P. Carbonell, N. Swainston, V. Zulkower, M. Kushwaha, G. S. Baldwin, J. L. Faulon. Galaxy-SynBioCAD: tools and automated pipelines for Synthetic Biology Design and Metabolic Engineering. BioSynSys, Paris (France), 2022.
- P. Carbonell. Automated design-build-test-learn (DBTL) pipelines for synthetic biology and biofoundries. I2SysBio seminar, I2SysBio (UV-CSIC), Valencia (Spain), 2022.
- I. Blázquez Arenas, P. Carbonell, I. Otero-Muras. Active Learning-based Optimal Experimental Design for efficient biomanufacturing. IWBDA, Paris (France), 2022.
P. Carbonell. Integrating DBTL computational tools into automated biofoundries pipelines: SynBioPython and GalaxySynbioCAD. Global Biofoundries Alliance Annual Meeting, Montreal (Canada), 2022.
I. Otero-Muras , G. Rodrigo, A. Jaramillo, M. Porcar, A Pascual-Ahuir, D. Orzáez, A. Vignoni , J. Picó , P. Carbonell. Valencia Biofoundry: A nascent facility for advanced biotechnology and automated biomanufacturing with distinctive assets and global ambition. Global Biofoundries Alliance Annual Meeting, Montreal (Canada), 2022.
J. Tellechea-Luzardo, P. Carbonell. Sensbio: an online server for biosensor design. 6th Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe (ASBE VI), Edinburgh (UK), 2022.
J. Tellechea-Luzardo, M. Stiebritz, P. Carbonell. Allosteric transcription factor-activated RNA and protein-based biocircuits. RNAct, Valencia (Spain), 2022.
J. Tellechea-Luzardo, I. Otero-Muras, P. Carbonell. An integrated approach to meet the challenges of efficient biomanufacturing. SIMB Annual Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 2022.
P. Carbonell. Rapid prototyping for metabolic pathway design. IBMCP Biotech Talk, IBMCP (UPV-CSIC), Valencia (Spain), 2022.
P. Carbonell. Streamlining the Design-Build-Test-Learn workflow for bio-based production platforms. XI Bioinformatics Open Days, Braga (Portugal), 2022.
J. Tellechea-Luzardo, P. Carbonell. Machine learning aided advances in synthetic biology (workshop). IWBDA, 2021.
M. Camarena, Y. Boada, J. Picó, P. Carbonell. Gene variant design space for biosensor-based pathway dynamic regulation. J. Automatica, 2021.
P. Carbonell. Automated tools for metabolic pathway design to close the learning loop. Metabolic Engineering 14, 2021.
J. L. Faulon, T. Duigou, M. du Lac, J. Hérisson, P. Carbonell. Design automation workflows for synthetic biology and metabolic engineering: the Galaxy-SynbioCAD portal. IWBDA, 2020.
Y. Boada, A. Vignoni, A. Fraile, J. Picó, P. Carbonell. Dynamic pathway regulation: extended biosensor and controller tuning with multiobjective optimization. IWBDA, 2020.
C. Robinson, P. Carbonell, A. Jervis, C. Yan, K. Hollywood, M. Dunstan, A. Currin, N. Scrutton. Rapid prototyping of microbial chassis for biomanufacturing of a suite of material monomers. Synthetic Biology UK, Warwick (UK), 2019.
P. Carbonell, J.L. Faulon, R. Breitling. Efficient learning in metabolic pathway designs through optimal assembling. 8th IFAC Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE2019), Valencia (Spain), 2019.
P. Carbonell. Biomanufacturing: towards a new bioeconomy. Difutec, Alcoy (Spain), 2019.
P. Carbonell. Bioretrosynthesis and rapid prototyping for automated synthetic pathway redesign. 9th Int. CeBiTec Research Conference: Advances in Industrial Biotechnology , Bielefeld (Germany), 2019.
P. Carbonell, R. Breitling, J.L. Faulon. OptBioDes: optimal design for the synbio toolchain. IWBDA, Cambridge (UK), 2019.
P.Carbonell. An agile engineering design approach to biomanufacturing. New Vistas in Computational Systems and Synthetic Biology, Vigo (Spain), 2019.
- T. Duigou, P. Carbonell, J.L. Faulon. RetroRules: an online resource for reaction rules in biological engineering, Synthetic Biology UK, Bristol (UK), 2018.
- A. Roberts, P. Kelly, J. Bain, P. Carbonell, J.L. Faulon, J. Blaker, S. Hay, S. Yeats, N. Scrutton. Synthetic biology as a route to high-strength poly(aromatic amide) fibres, Synthetic Biology UK, Bristol (UK), 2018.
- P. Carbonell. A framework for portability and predictability of genetic circuits in the pathway engineering pipeline, Centre for Synthetic Biology and the Bioeconomy (CSBB), Newcastle University (UK), 2018.
- P. Carbonell. Design to Learn, Learn to Design: The Manchester SYNBIOCHEM automated Design-Build-Test-Learn pipeline for microbial production of fine chemicals, JBEI (USA), 2018.
- P. Carbonell, S. Taylor, R. Sung, A. J Jervis, R. Breitling, J.L. Faulon, N. S. Scrutton. Context-aware predictive tools for portable genetic circuit engineering, IWBDA, Berkeley (USA), 2018.
- P. Carbonell. Annual Debate 2018: Synthetic Biology. Linnean Society, London (UK), 2018
- P. Carbonell, N. Swainston, A. Jervis, N.S. Scrutton, E. Takano, D.B. Kell, R. Breitling, J.L. Faulon. Machine learning for the automated synthetic biology pipeline. Synthetic Biology UK, Manchester (UK), 2017.
- B. Delépine, T. Duigou, P. Carbonell, J.L. Faulon. RetroPath2.0: open-source retrosynthesis workflow for metabolic engineering. Synthetic Biology UK, Manchester (UK), 2017.
- N. Swainston, M. Dustan, A. Jervis, C. Robinson, P. Carbonell, A. Williams, R. Breitling, N.S. Scrutton. PartsGenie: an integrated tool for optimising and sharing synthetic biology parts. Synthetic Biology UK, Manchester (UK), 2017.
- J. Bain, P. Kelly, S. Yeates, J. Bleaker, P. Carbonell, J.L. Faulon, S. Hay, N.S. Scrutton. Synthetic Biology Approaches to Sustainable Production of Aramid Fibre Precursors. Synthetic Biology UK, Manchester (UK), 2017.
- P. Carbonell. Observability and controllability of engineered metabolic circuits for microbial chemical production. International Workshop on Control Engineering and Synthetic Biology, London (UK), 2017.
- B. Delepine, T. Duigou, P. Carbonell, J.L. Faulon. RetroPath 2.0. A versatile reaction network prediction tool for biological engineers. SB 7.0. The Seventh International Meeting on Synthetic Biology, Singapore, 2017.
- P. Carbonell, J.L. Faulon. Screening biosynthetic accessibility of novel biomaterials building blocks with improved properties. Scientific and Technological Challenges in Defining a New Paradigm for Sustainable Biomaterials, Manchester (UK), 2017.
- P. Carbonell, N. Swainston, A. Jervis, M. Vinaixa, M. Dunstan, C. Robinson, K. Hollywood, C. Yan, A. Currin. The expansion/contraction data paradigm to enhance chemical diversity production in industrial biotechnology. Data-driven biotechnology – Bench, Bioreactor and Bedside, Novo Nordisk Favrholm Campus, Hillerod (DK), 2017.
- P. Carbonell, S. Heux. Retro-biosynthesis in metabolic engineering. Advances in Systems and Synthetic Biology, Thematic Research School, Lyon (France), 2017.
- P. Carbonell. SYNBIOCHEM: Harnessing industrial partnerships for added impact. Synthetic Biology for Growth Networking. Edinburgh (UK), 2016.
- J. Bain, W. Finnigan. L. Heap, C. Jensen, P. Kelly, J. Blaker, R. Breitling, P. Carbonell, M. Corbett, J.L. Faulon, S. Hay, E. Takano, N. Turner, S. Yeates, N. Scrutton. Synthetic biology for high performance materials. Synthetic Biology UK, Edinburgh (UK), 2016.
- P. Carbonell, A. Gök, P. Shapira, J.L Faulon. A patent landscape for the synbio of fine and speciality chemical production. Synthetic Biology UK, Edinburgh (UK), 2016.
- P. Carbonell, O. Lopez, A. Amberg, M. Pastor, F. Sanz. Systems biology-based drug toxicity prediction using gene expression data and its application to hepatotoxicity. eTOX Final Conference, Novartis Campus Basel (Switzerland), 2016.
- P. Carbonell. SynBio Design. EuroScience Open Forum ESOF16, Manchester (UK), 2016.
- P. Carbonell. Automating engineering design in SynBio foundries. BioSynSys, Bordeaux (France), 2016.
- P. Carbonell. Retro-biosynthesis in metabolic engineering. Advances in Systems and Synthetic Biology, Thematic Research School, Evry (France), 2016.
- B. Delépine, T. Duigou, P. Carbonell, J.L Faulon. Diving into the metabolic space: some insights from a retrosynthesis standpoint. BioSynSys, Bordeaux (France), 2016.
- M. Dunstan, A. Jervis, C. Robinson, N. Swainston, J.L. Faulon, P. Carbonell. SBCDOE: a design of experiments-based part planner for synthetic biology production of chemicals. IWBDA, Newcastle (UK), 2016.
- N. Swainston, P. Carbonell, A. Jervis, C. Robinson, M. Dunstan, J.L. Faulon. PathwayGenie – pathway design from selection to plasmid. IWBDA, Newcastle (UK), 2016.
- V. Kulkarni, L. E. Menjra, P. Carbonell, J.L. Faulon. Integrated predictive genome-scale models to improve the metabolic re-engineering efficiency. IWBDA, Newcastle (UK), 2016.
N. Swainston, P. Carbonell, et al. Integrated informatics to support SYNBIOCHEM Design-Build-Test cycle for production of fine and speciality chemicals. Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology, Paris (France), 2015.
J. Mellor, P. Carbonell, J.L. Faulon. Gaussian process-based model for automated enzyme selection in pathway design. Synthetic Biology UK, London (UK), 2015.
P. Carbonell, J.L Faulon. Modelling and redesign of synergistic antimicrobial activities between peptides and proteins for synthetic biology applications. Application of Synthetic Biology for the production of next generation biologics. COEBP 4th Annual Scientific Symposium, Manchester (UK), 2015.
P. Carbonell. Retro-biosynthesis in metabolic engineering. Advances in Systems and Synthetic Biology, Thematic Research School, Strasbourg (France), 2015.
P. Carbonell, M.A. Mayer, A. Bravo. Exploring brand-name drug mentions on Twitter for pharmacovigilance. Medical Informatics Europe MIE, Madrid (Spain), 2015.
J. Mellor, P. Carbonell, J.L. Faulon. Automated enzyme selection for pathway design using Gaussian process-based models. BioSynSys, Paris (France), 2015.
P. Carbonell. System-level assessment of tissue-specific drug toxicity. II Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Symposium, Barcelona (Spain), 2014.
P. Carbonell. Retrosynthetic circuit design. 3S Biology Summer School Systems, Synthetic and Semantic Biology, Trento (Italy), 2014.
P. Carbonell. Automated Modeling, Design & Optimization of Microbial Biosynthesis for Industrial Biotechnology. The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability (CFB), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), 2014.
P. Carbonell. Towards predictive integrative biology. Institute of Genetics and Microbiology (IGM), CNRS, Paris-Sud University (France), 2014.
P. Carbonell. Towards multi-scale refactoring of microbial biosynthesis pathways. Paris Interdisciplinary Energy Research Institute, Paris (France), 2014.
P. Carbonell. Retro-biosynthesis in metabolic engineering. Advances in Systems and Synthetic Biology, Thematic Research School, Evry (France), 2014.
T. Feher, P. Carbonell, V. Libis, J.L. Faulon. The rational design-build-test cycle applied to metabolic pathway engineering. BioSynSys, Toulouse (France), 2014.
B. Delepine, P. Carbonell, J.L. Faulon. XTMS in action: retrosynthetic design in the extended metabolic space of heterologous pathways for high-value compounds. The 12th Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology, University of Manchester (UK), 2014.
P. Carbonell. TaxaTox: System-level assessment of taxa-specific differences in drug toxicity. 12th Symposium in Bioinformatics, Seville (Spain), 2014.
P. Carbonell. The Extended Metabolic Space: Unveiling latent capabilities towards biosynthesis, sensing and regulation. The Netherlands Institute for Systems Biology, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), 2013.
P. Carbonell. Unfolding diversity: Modeling promiscuity and toxicity in the metabolic space and beyond. GRIB, Barcelona (Spain), 2013.
P. Carbonell. Towards in silico whole-cell modeling for regulation and design. CGM, Gif sur Yvette (France), 2013.
P. Carbonell, P. Parutto, J.L. Faulon. RetroPath: Automated pipeline for embedded metabolic circuits. IWBDA, London (UK), 2013.
P. Carbonell, P. Parutto. Unraveling evolutionary mechanisms driving metabolic diversity. JOBIM, Toulouse (France), 2013.
P. Carbonell. Retro-biosynthesis in metabolic engineering. Advances in Systems and Synthetic Biology, Thematic Research School, La Colle-sur-Loup (France), 2013.
P. Carbonell. Unfolding chemical and metabolic diversity for advanced biotechnological applications. LISBP, Toulouse (France), 2013.
P. Carbonell, T. Feher. Metabolic circuits: modeling, design and optimization. Journée Biologie Synthétique iSSB/Genoscope, Evry (France), 2013.
P. Carbonell. In silico biological modeling and design: integrating top-down and bottom-up approaches. BIOS Seminar, Tours, 2013.
- P. Carbonell. A journey into retrosynthesis: exploring the origins of promiscuity in biosynthetic pathways. Jena Life Science Forum 2012: Designing Living Matter, Jena (Germany), 2012 (invited).
- P. Carbonell, I. Grigoras, A.G. Planson, J.L. Faulon. Modelling synergistic antimicrobial activities in peptide cocktails: Strategies for production and delivery. AMP2012 – International Symposium on Antimicrobial Peptides, Lille (France), 2012.
- P. Carbonell, D. Fichera, J.L. Faulon. Constructive biosynthetic pathway selection in the reaction signature space. In 71st Harden Conference – Metabolic Pathway Analysis 2011, University of Chester (UK), 2011.
- P. Carbonell, D. Fichera, F. Green, E. Paillard, A.G. Planson, J.L. Faulon. Using retrosynthetic biology to design metabolic pathways for therapeutics production. In SB5.0: the Fifth International Meeting on Synthetic Biology, Stanford University, Stanford (USA), 2011.
- P. Carbonell. Determinants of protein affinity and promiscuity for in-silico engineering of biological circuits and devices. In LRI Laboratory for Computer Science Seminars, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay (France), 2011 (invited).
- A.G. Planson, P. Carbonell, D. Fichera, E. Paillard, C. Sarnowski, J.L. Faulon. A roadmap to implementing novel therapeutic circuits in E. coli. In ICSynBio, International Conference on Synthetic Biology, Evry (France), 2010.
- P. Carbonell, D. Fichera, J.L. Faulon. Predicting heterologous compound-forming reaction pathways through retrosynthesis hypergraphs. In LIX Bioinformatics Colloquium 2010, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau (France), 2010.
- P. Carbonell. Systems approach to language networks mapping: pull up by the bootstraps. In Mapping language across cultures: Textual analysis in cross-cultural and intercultural communication (MLAC10), Salamanca (Spain), 2010 (invited).
- D. Fichera, P. Carbonell and J.L. Faulon. Signatures of chemical diversity in metabolic networks. In Modelling Complex Biological Systems in the Context of Genomics, Evry (France), 2010.
P. Carbonell. Determinants of protein binding promiscuity: insights into protein-protein interactions. In SaarLorLux09 Workshop on Systems Biology, Nancy (France), 2009.
P. Carbonell and J.L. Faulon. Catalytic promiscuity prediction using molecular signatures. In European Systems & Synthetic Biology ESSB09, Evry (France), 2009.
P. Carbonell and A. del Sol. Specificity and affinity in protein-protein interactions: From a systems biology to a molecular point of view. In 12th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology RECOMB2008, Singapore (Singapore), 2008.
O. Carbonell, K. Stuart, and P. Carbonell. Building and implementing pragmatic thesauri through associative networks: A necessary step in computer-assisted translation technology. In International Conference on Translating with Computer-Assisted Technology, Rome (Italy), 2004.
A. Hilario and P. Carbonell. Prototipo experimental para la identificacion y control de actuadores por musculo neumatico. In XXIV Jornadas de Automatica, Leon (Spain), 2003.
P. Carbonell and M. A. Satorre. Prototipo de un sistema de monitorizacion y control de la temperatura en un criostato. In XXIV Jornadas de Automatica, Leon (Spain), 2003.
M. A. Satorre, P. Carbonell, J.J. Ferre, J. Jaen, and A. Quiles. Controlador de temperatura para criostato de he. In XXIX Reunion Bienal de Fisica, volume I, pages 50-51, Madrid (Spain), 2003.
P. Carbonell. Control fuzzy adaptativo en redes complejas. In Actas del XI Congreso Espanol sobre Tecnologias y Logica Fuzzy, Leon (Spain), 2002.
P. Carbonell, X. Wang, and Z. P. Jiang. On the suppression of flow-induced vibration with a simple control algorithm. In ASME Symposium on the Vibration and Control of Mechanical Systems, New York (USA), 2001.
P. Carbonell, A. Hilario, and S. Valero. Elaboracion de notas tecnicas de control avanzado para la practica profesional. In XXII Jornadas de Automatica, Barcelona (Spain), 2001.
A. Hilario, P. Carbonell, and S. Valero. Desarrollo de un sistema de informacion electronico sobre normalizacion en el ambito de la instrumentacion, calibracion y control industrial. In First International Workshop on Multimedia Applications INTERMEDIA 2001, Valencia (Spain), 2001.
P. Carbonell and A. Hilario. Iso 9000 calibration requirements and implications for robust control design. In Proc. of the CONTROL000, Guimaraes (Portugal), 2000.
P. Carbonell. Metodologia para la seleccion de modelos locales borrosos en el espacio de regimenes de traba jo. In Actas del X Espanol sobre Tecnologias y Logica Fuzzy ESTYLF00, Sevilla (Spain), 2000.
A. Hilario, P, and Carbonell. Cuaderno tecnico: calibracion de equipos de medida industriales segun iso 9000. In Actas de las XXI Jornadas de Automatica, Sevilla (Spain), 2000.
A. Hilario and P. Carbonell. Integracion de herramientas de simulacion y multimedia: un caso practico con matlab/simulink y macromedia director 7. In I Jornadas de Trabajo Ensenanza via Internet/web de la Ingenieria de Sistemas y Automatica EIWISA00, Valencia, (Spain), 2000.
P. Carbonell and A. Hilario. Empleo de la incertidumbre estimada por calibracion segun iso 9000 en el diseno de lazos robustos de regulacion. In Actas de las XX Jornadas de Automatica, Salamanca (Spain), 1999.
P. Carbonell. Control borroso adaptativo de un convertidor dc/dc conmutado. In Actas del VII Espanol sobre Tecnologias y Logica Fuzzy ESTYLF97, Tarragona (Spain), 1997.
P. Carbonell. Nuevos enfoques en inteligencia artificial aplicada a la traduccion automatica: redes neuronales y sistemas borrosos. In X Simposio sobre Traduccion Literaria y Cientfico-Tecnica, Caceres (Spain), 1996.
P. Carbonell. Aportaciones de la inteligencia artificial a la teoria de la traduccion. In XI Simposio sobre Traduccion Literaria y Cientifico-Tecnica, Caceres (Spain), 1997.
P. Carbonell, J.J. Beltran, M. Carbonell, M. Diaz, and J. Masia. Libreria de sistemas fisicos en simulink para su empleo en el campo de la simulacion y el control. In Actas del II Congreso de Usuarios de Matlab MATLAB96, Madrid (Spain), 1996.
D. Carrica, J. Fernandez, A. San Martin, J.L. Diaz, P. Carbonell, A.Guerrero, M. Armada, and B. Kuchen. Low-cost commercial igbt inverter. In Proc. of ECLA94 Workshop on Advanced Automation, Madrid (Spain), 1994.